Things have changed. If you've seen this page before, you will notice that it looks different. But more importantly, and outside the context of this blog, things have changed. In my limited perspective I look at the culture of the past and compare it to the culture of today, and I see that change is in the air.
Well, duh, right? Things always change. That's how culture evolves, becomes better, gains new things and casts off old ideas. This is all true. But change is not universally good or bad. Some change is for the better, some to our detriment.
I see our culture changing, and it seems to be in my nature to have an opinion on it. My thoughts are probably under-informed and hindered by inexperience most of the time. But they are mine, and I would like the opportunity to share them.
Therefore I am changing the purpose of this blog; shifting it to become more broad. I now intend to muse on our culture; what I see it producing, and my theories on how we produced it. I hope you like it. If not, well, the comment section is fully available for your use, as is the "back" button. Maybe this time around I will keep this blog updated. Or maybe this post will be at the top of the page for months. I hope for the former.
Until then,
Until then,
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